Mel Robbins

What is coaching?
Coaching is a creative method in which the Coachee partners with a Coach to help them bring the changes they want in their life and allow them to live at their full potential.
Typical Coaching topics
- Professional goals
- Personal development
- Self-reflexion
- Decision making
- Work relationships
- Time management
- And many more...
Topics Coaching cannot help with
- Topics needing a therapeute
- Hands-on execution of your plan
- Business consulting
My story
– M.Sc. in Electro-mechanical Engineering
– AoEC Associate Executive Coach
– Lean Six Sigma Green belt
– Middle Management
– Project Management
– Industrial Engineering
– Quality & Continuous Improvement
– Australia
– New-Zealand
– Scottland
– Belgium
– Estonia
– Self-development
– Reading
– Woodworking
– Nature
– Sports

What customers say...
Professionaalne Coaching
Sebastien on väga meeldiv inimene! Tema poolt läbi viidud coaching oli professionaalne ja andis mulle palju uusi mõtteid ning häid juhtnööre.
Improve businesses & people
Thanks to Sébastien's deep interest in coaching, we have held many successful sessions where tackling difficulties in professional and personal life. Sébastien is a great guy that can help to improve businesses but also people and unleash their potential.
Sebastien guided me when I was just starting my career. His sincere care and openness made me feel like I could do the job, I'm an important part of the team and appreciated. What I value most about Sebastien's help is replacing my "what if I fall" mindset with "what if I fly". As a result, I can make the best use of my personal strengths to achieve my goals and I am a friend richer!